Image contextuelle sur les fibres et la santé | LifyWheat

The powers
  of fibre
on well-being

Fibre intake amount per country - lifywheat

Did you know: fibre intake among populations is insufficient

The recommended daily fibre intake for adults varies from 25g to 35g per day, depending on the European country. Most European consumers do not meet the recommended daily fibre intake.

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Image contextuelle sur les bienfaits des fibres

The benefits of fibre

It is scientifically established that a diet rich in fibre reduces the risks of mortality and diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, or colon cancer. 

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scheme that explains benefits of LifyWheat products

LifyWheat, more fibre, improved well-being!

Thanks to its unique composition, LifyWheat flour helps to enrich food products with fibre, particularly resistant starch. Resistant starch, due to its ability to resist digestion, helps after-meal blood sugar control. Once in the colon, resistant starch feeds the gut microbiota and promotes the production of metabolites with numerous health benefits. Resistant starch helps to strengthen intestinal immunity and has excellent digestive tolerance.

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100% natural
10x more fibre
Better for you LifyWheat
Same taste LifyWheat